
I am the midwife to the remembering. I place myself in the midst of the mystery – in the vastness of the unknown – where words flow in rivers of the unspeakable and that which cannot be defined.


shutterstock_922359 SMBefore dedicating myself to shamanic healing, I was drawn to portrait photography as a way to engage with what lies within. I fell in love with the way light sculpts images, opens doors, and took me, not only to my own inner world, but also to that of my photographic subjects. It gave expression to my perception. It deepened my sense of the transcendent realms and how they are expressed in our daily lives – sometimes without our awareness. Photography cultivated my eye as the observer, giving substance to my intuitive awareness of what lies beneath the surface, the core self, and strengthened my connection to all realms of life. Yet I knew there was more, and I wanted to reach more people, offer more love, empathy, and support. I began studying shamanism and discovered in it my truth, my calling.

Though my sensitivity to energies is innate, I have studied with the foremost teachers in their specialties who, in sharing their wisdom, have helped me create a tool chest from which to work with my clients. The model that I work from recognizes that there is unity between all energetic models and this serves as the foundation for my practice.

Through natural awareness, pivotal dreams, revelations, and direct experiences, I help my clients access the information that will help clear their path to wholeness. My connection to unseen worlds – spiritual, natural, the past, the future – brings messages and guidance to those who seek it.

Alisa Joy Journeys